Increase your impact and your success with Roel Schaart
Successful leadership is only possible if leaders have impact. “Leaders who offer their employees clarity, orientation and vision, based on solid foundation of mutual trust, especially in times of change, will experience leadership with high impact”, says Roel Schaart, ICF Master Certified Coach.
As a sparring partner and being a reliable partner Roel Schaart recognizes where the real challenge lies and what his clients need. He has more than 20 years international experience in leadership, coaching and mentoring: “My experience has taught me when it is necessary to go deeper into a topic and work on it intensively to find the optimal solution.”
Leadership also means taking responsibility, making decisions, being a role model and having an impact. In his executive coaching Roel Schaart makes sure that he really understands what his clients really want and need in order to solve their challenges in a positive way. He explains: “Coaching is the ideal instrument to get to the heart of the matter, to define the essential issues and to gain orientation.”
Roel Schaart likes to share his knowledge and develops workshops tailored to the needs of his clients – from team development to conflict management and consulting. He also loves being on stage and setting inspiring impulses: “My goal is to support leaders with enthusiasm and relevant content that will really move them forward.”